I completed day 3 of the cleanse. I am quite shocked at myself. Very surprised that I have not quit yet. Oh how many times I've wanted to.
Day 3 was ok. The not eating was pretty easy. The lemonade tasted ok for the most part. There were times where I really did not want to drink it, but I made myself and I instantly felt better.
Around dinner time, for about 30 minutes, I became extremely angry. I was a little scared, but I wanted to eat SO bad and I was SO mad that I could not eat. I wanted to beat something. Sounds awful, I know. I just went to the basement and did some laundry through tears of anger. After that brief episode, I felt fine the rest of the evening. I still wanted to eat, but I was no longer mad about it.
This morning (day 4) I woke up 3 more pounds lighter. That puts me at a total loss of 7 pounds within the last 3 days. I am super excited about that. I have also noticed that my stomach is becoming a little bit flatter. It still has layers and rolls (gross!) but I am starting to notice a difference.
I am really excited that I have done it this long. My 1st goal was to do it for 3 days. I have reached that goal. My next goal is 10 days. My ULTIMATE goal is 40 days. I really want to reach that one, but we'll see how I continue to feel.
I am really truly amazed at how I feel. I have not had ANY caffeine within the last 3 days, and granted, I have taken a few naps, but I feel great. My moods are quite happy, I am not irritated at all. I think I am a lot more cheerful, actually. The only outburst was the one that lasted 30 minutes, and then I was done. I am not tired. I feel really healthy. I am surprised that I can "survive" without food. Before this, I swore I had to eat every 3 hours or I felt sick, but now I realize that I can live without food. Physically, I feel perfect. My brain on the other hand keeps sending my pictures of all the foods that I would LOVE to indulge in right now.. and its mainly really unhealthy foods such as hamburgers, pizza, pelmeni, Chinese food... ugh.. I can't even write about it. Makes me want to have them SO bad!!
I informed my husband very kindly that after I am done with this we are SO TOTALLY going out to eat!!
I am already half way through the 4th day at this point... and so far so good.... I have only had about 12 oz of the lemonade today, so I better starting drinking more of it. I don't want my body to go into starvation mode. I do feel a little weak at the moment, but I know that the minute I drink the lemonade, I will feel absolutely fine.
I have noticed that on day 3 my tongue started to feel a little funny; it felt extremely smooth. I have a few new zits on face (not too excited about that), and this afternoon (day 4) my lower back has started to ache. I am not worried, but actually excited. I want my body to clean itself out thoroughly.
Day 3 was ok. The not eating was pretty easy. The lemonade tasted ok for the most part. There were times where I really did not want to drink it, but I made myself and I instantly felt better.
Around dinner time, for about 30 minutes, I became extremely angry. I was a little scared, but I wanted to eat SO bad and I was SO mad that I could not eat. I wanted to beat something. Sounds awful, I know. I just went to the basement and did some laundry through tears of anger. After that brief episode, I felt fine the rest of the evening. I still wanted to eat, but I was no longer mad about it.
This morning (day 4) I woke up 3 more pounds lighter. That puts me at a total loss of 7 pounds within the last 3 days. I am super excited about that. I have also noticed that my stomach is becoming a little bit flatter. It still has layers and rolls (gross!) but I am starting to notice a difference.
I am really excited that I have done it this long. My 1st goal was to do it for 3 days. I have reached that goal. My next goal is 10 days. My ULTIMATE goal is 40 days. I really want to reach that one, but we'll see how I continue to feel.
I am really truly amazed at how I feel. I have not had ANY caffeine within the last 3 days, and granted, I have taken a few naps, but I feel great. My moods are quite happy, I am not irritated at all. I think I am a lot more cheerful, actually. The only outburst was the one that lasted 30 minutes, and then I was done. I am not tired. I feel really healthy. I am surprised that I can "survive" without food. Before this, I swore I had to eat every 3 hours or I felt sick, but now I realize that I can live without food. Physically, I feel perfect. My brain on the other hand keeps sending my pictures of all the foods that I would LOVE to indulge in right now.. and its mainly really unhealthy foods such as hamburgers, pizza, pelmeni, Chinese food... ugh.. I can't even write about it. Makes me want to have them SO bad!!
I informed my husband very kindly that after I am done with this we are SO TOTALLY going out to eat!!
I am already half way through the 4th day at this point... and so far so good.... I have only had about 12 oz of the lemonade today, so I better starting drinking more of it. I don't want my body to go into starvation mode. I do feel a little weak at the moment, but I know that the minute I drink the lemonade, I will feel absolutely fine.
I have noticed that on day 3 my tongue started to feel a little funny; it felt extremely smooth. I have a few new zits on face (not too excited about that), and this afternoon (day 4) my lower back has started to ache. I am not worried, but actually excited. I want my body to clean itself out thoroughly.
For some reason I thought that the 1st day would be the hardest on this cleanse. Let me tell you; I was WRONG!! The 2nd day was torture!! I wanted to quit early in the morning. I did not think I could continue. I know. I sound like a total wimp. But give me some credit, I'm STARVING!!
It was really funny now that I think about it, but all day, everyone who came to talk to me smelled like FOOD!! Ugh! Any type of food I thought about, I wanted it so bad!!
I had to call my husband for some "pep" talks. He knew how badly I wanted to succeed on this cleanse, so he did a really good job talking me through my hard moments. I am very thankful for him and his support through ALL my diets ; )
I am writing this on the 3rd morning of the cleanse. I'll summarize day 2 for you: TORTURE and I was STARVING... but again, NOT physically, but mentally. I find this to be quite weird. Physically I felt just fine, I did get a really bad headache, and due to the fact that I had another 8 hours at work, I took some Tylenol. That kicked in really fast, and I felt absolutely perfect the rest of the day. I know. It doesn't make sense to take Tylenol on a cleanse, but I was pretty desperate and I figure it'll get cleansed out ; )
Anyway my brain thought it needed pizza and hamburgers and hot dogs (which I hardly EVER eat). We watched some movies in the evening, and everytime there was an eating seen, I had to look away and almost cry. I wanted food SO BAD!!
Thankfully, I have completed 2 full days of the cleanse. They say the longer you do it, the easier it gets.. We'll see..
This morning I woke up feeling quite weak. I weighed in another pound less. So within the last 2 days, I have lost 4 pounds. Not bad.
I drank some water with Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. That seemed to help my weakness quite a bit. Then I proceeded to make the lemonade the RIGHT way this time. I put the boys to work squishing the lemons so that they would be nice and soft (I read that makes them juice easier and more) After they were done, I juiced the lemons (5 of them) which gave me 18 Tablespoons which equals 9 cups of lemonade (a perfect amount). Then I added 18 Tablespoons of Organic Maple Syrup to it and almost a full teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
I drank it with a lot of excitement since that was my only food source. It tasted SO good!!! I chugged about 12 ounces of that right away. It gave me the strength and energy I needed. Now I feel just fine. Not hungry at all (physically). Right now I am sitting writing this right next to the table where my family is enjoying their breakfast. It smells UNBELIEVABLY DELICIOUS!! I am avoiding looking that way. Ugh. I wish I wasn't so obsessed with food. But then again, that is just another reason why I want to complete this cleanse. I'm hoping that I will realize that I can survive without food and that I will only eat it when I need it for nutrition and not for any other reasons.
Let me know if you have ever done this... but I only want SUCCESS stories. I do NOT want to be discouraged........
It was really funny now that I think about it, but all day, everyone who came to talk to me smelled like FOOD!! Ugh! Any type of food I thought about, I wanted it so bad!!
I had to call my husband for some "pep" talks. He knew how badly I wanted to succeed on this cleanse, so he did a really good job talking me through my hard moments. I am very thankful for him and his support through ALL my diets ; )
I am writing this on the 3rd morning of the cleanse. I'll summarize day 2 for you: TORTURE and I was STARVING... but again, NOT physically, but mentally. I find this to be quite weird. Physically I felt just fine, I did get a really bad headache, and due to the fact that I had another 8 hours at work, I took some Tylenol. That kicked in really fast, and I felt absolutely perfect the rest of the day. I know. It doesn't make sense to take Tylenol on a cleanse, but I was pretty desperate and I figure it'll get cleansed out ; )
Anyway my brain thought it needed pizza and hamburgers and hot dogs (which I hardly EVER eat). We watched some movies in the evening, and everytime there was an eating seen, I had to look away and almost cry. I wanted food SO BAD!!
Thankfully, I have completed 2 full days of the cleanse. They say the longer you do it, the easier it gets.. We'll see..
This morning I woke up feeling quite weak. I weighed in another pound less. So within the last 2 days, I have lost 4 pounds. Not bad.
I drank some water with Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. That seemed to help my weakness quite a bit. Then I proceeded to make the lemonade the RIGHT way this time. I put the boys to work squishing the lemons so that they would be nice and soft (I read that makes them juice easier and more) After they were done, I juiced the lemons (5 of them) which gave me 18 Tablespoons which equals 9 cups of lemonade (a perfect amount). Then I added 18 Tablespoons of Organic Maple Syrup to it and almost a full teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
I drank it with a lot of excitement since that was my only food source. It tasted SO good!!! I chugged about 12 ounces of that right away. It gave me the strength and energy I needed. Now I feel just fine. Not hungry at all (physically). Right now I am sitting writing this right next to the table where my family is enjoying their breakfast. It smells UNBELIEVABLY DELICIOUS!! I am avoiding looking that way. Ugh. I wish I wasn't so obsessed with food. But then again, that is just another reason why I want to complete this cleanse. I'm hoping that I will realize that I can survive without food and that I will only eat it when I need it for nutrition and not for any other reasons.
Let me know if you have ever done this... but I only want SUCCESS stories. I do NOT want to be discouraged........
Well… where do I begin?? The day didn’t start off too well. I woke up at 4am to drink my “salt water flush”. I gagged so many times. That was absolutely disgusting!! It consisted of 4 cups water and 2 level teaspoons Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. Ugh!! It took me 15 minutes to drink it and then I went back to bed to wait for it to “kick in” and clean me out… um… yeah... that did NOT happen.. lol... So I’m a little worried.
My lemonade got all messed up too. I started juicing my 1st ½ of a lemon, and didn’t want to do another 11 halves and I was running short on time. So… I just peeled the lemons, and threw them into my awesome blender ; )… that worked ok… until I actually had to drink it. The taste was fine (mixed with maple syrup and cayenne pepper). It took me about 4 hours to drink 10oz of the lemonade... but ONLY because of all the pulp that was in there kept making me gag. (I finally ended up straining it which made is so much more pleasant)
I was all set on starting the cleanse yesterday (Thursday, October 18, 2010). Which I did. I got to work, and right away people were like “oh, the employee break room is filled with doughnuts, fruits, juices, chocolate milk and so on”. I had 3 people come up and tell me that within minutes of me walking in the door. All of a sudden thoughts such as “oh, I don’t have to start today…. I’m not really THAT fat, I don’t really even have to do this”... it’s like I was trying to talk myself out of it. But thankfully I did not give in. I officially did not eat ANYTHING yesterday. All day I drank my lemonade, my spring water and that is it. Except for in the evening, I did have 1 cup of laxative tea. I know that’s gross, but the cleanse requires you drink one every evening.
Don’t get me wrong. It was really, super hard to keep from eating. I wanted food so bad! Especially when I could smell it or would start thinking about it. Then I realized that physically, I was not hungry one bit. But mentally… mentally
I could eat and eat and eat. My brain kept making me think that I was hungry when I was not.
The day went good. By the late afternoon, I did start having a headache which I still continue to have. It seems to fade, then come back, fade, then come back. So it’s not unbearable. I did get really cold at times. I did get irritated, mostly in the late evening when there was lots of food around me and I couldn’t have any of it. That made me mad. Lol.
This morning (Friday, 2nd day of the cleanse) I woke up 3 pounds lighter. It was nice to see the number on the scale drop by that much just in one day. Quite motivational.
Right now I am feeling “the cleanse” a little more. I keep having doubt run through my mind... should I really be doing this?? Is it really safe not to eat for so long?? Will I be able to keep the weight off?? My head still really hurts. I am very sleepy. This is my 2nd day of not having any caffeine, so I’m starting to feel it. I still do not feel physical hunger, just mental. Everything little thing around me is so tempting right now... the hot chocolate, the coffee, the green tea... I would happily eat and drink right now. But I know that once I would finish indulging, I would feel even worse.
So far, so good. Day one (hopefully that was the toughest day) is finished. The 2nd day has begun... let’s see how long I can last on this...
Also, here are some products that are very important for this diet, just click on them and they will take you to the Amazon store :)
cayenne pepper,
maple syrup,
sea salt,
the master cleanser
So I’ve come across another “discovery”. I’ve heard about (and have actually known people who have done) the Master Cleanse. It caught my attention several times, but I have never actually seriously considered doing it.
Well recently, I’ve been having quite a few migraines and some other issues that have required either pharmaceutical drugs or vitamin supplements. So I got to thinking “I wonder how many symptoms will disappear if I do a cleanse??”
My sister was doing some research and summarizing the cleanse for one of our aunts; so at the same time, she emailed a copy to me. I read through it and have been pondering it ever since.
I really want to do it now, but everyone recommends that “you read the book first”… Fine with me. I love reading. So yesterday, my husband ordered me the book “The Master Cleanser” by Stanley Burroughs. I can’t wait to receive it, read it, and start cleansing!
My hope was to start on Nov 1st of this year… but we’ll see how the timing works out.
I’ll be honest. I am really worried about starting this. I am just so afraid that I will not be able to do it. I just like food too much to not eat it for a minimum of 10 days. I really want to try though. I really think that it will clean me out, get rid of all my toxins, make me feel better AND help me to jump start my weight loss. They say you can’t do this with weight loss as your goal… but really? That’s pretty much the MAIN reason I want to do it… I won’t deny it. Being skinny AND not having migraines… now that’s a motivator!!
I’ll let you know what fun stuff I discover as soon as I get my book and start reading it… Let me know if anyone wants to join me in this endeavor ; )
master cleanse,
the master cleanser
I just wanted to let you all know that I am still here.. Still alive and kicking.. just haven't had much time to focus on dieting things right now.
I have been enjoying life. Not worrying about what to eat, when to eat, how to eat it... (well... for the most part anyway)...
I think this period of relaxation has been good for me. I am less stressed out. More joyful. I think I MIGHT be accepting myself for who I really am... but I'm not sure yet ; )
I like this.
I know its been a while again and people having been asking me what's going on...
I'll be honest with you. I have been under a lot of stress the last few weeks. In so much stress that I was making myself physically sick. It's a horrible situation to be in.
I don't want to freak anyone out or give any false ideas. My life is still wonderful, just as always. I just can't take stress well, and I over exaggerate it and I get sick. Nothing huge happened, just a lot of little things all added up and I just couldn't handle all of them.
I quit my 30 Day Shred. I almost got through it, but just couldn't push myself anymore. I made it to the 3rd level and did the 1st day of it. Loved it; just couldn't make myself do it anymore. So I feel like a failure once again... that's one of the reason I haven't updated on here. I didn't want to admit to everyone that I did not finish. Well here it is. I admit it. I quit and gave up. Nothing new.
Things at work have change. My wonderful amazing friend Heather has quit her job (for very respectable reasons!). I was really worried about who would take her place. I wanted someone that I could get along with. To my great surprise and pleasure the girl that got hired is actually someone who worked there previously and who I really enjoy chatting with. I am so excited to have her there... there's an additional benefit for me having her there... she is a personal trainer!! So I get to ask her ALL of my questions... FOR FREE!! I enjoy racking her brain for advice... ; ) Not only that though... she makes work fun! I still miss my Heather... but Christine makes the work day a bit easier...
I've been chatting with some people who know me well.. and they brought something to my attention (that I knew.. just didn't really think about). They said that within this year alone.. I have already tried OVER 5 diets. And I thought "yeah, what's wrong with that?"... then they proceeded to tell me that if only I would FOLLOW through with ANY ONE diet.. I would see a change in my body. But I don't. I try it for just a short amount of time, don't see the result that I want... give up... move onto another diet.. and the vicious cycle continues with no benefit to me. Just disappointment over and over again.
Now my hard decision is to figure out WHICH diet I want to stick. I have to try my best for 3 months and I WILL see results.. I just don't know which one I want to do.... that's the hard part... deciding and sticking to it....
Any suggestions??
I'll be honest with you. I have been under a lot of stress the last few weeks. In so much stress that I was making myself physically sick. It's a horrible situation to be in.
I don't want to freak anyone out or give any false ideas. My life is still wonderful, just as always. I just can't take stress well, and I over exaggerate it and I get sick. Nothing huge happened, just a lot of little things all added up and I just couldn't handle all of them.
I quit my 30 Day Shred. I almost got through it, but just couldn't push myself anymore. I made it to the 3rd level and did the 1st day of it. Loved it; just couldn't make myself do it anymore. So I feel like a failure once again... that's one of the reason I haven't updated on here. I didn't want to admit to everyone that I did not finish. Well here it is. I admit it. I quit and gave up. Nothing new.
Things at work have change. My wonderful amazing friend Heather has quit her job (for very respectable reasons!). I was really worried about who would take her place. I wanted someone that I could get along with. To my great surprise and pleasure the girl that got hired is actually someone who worked there previously and who I really enjoy chatting with. I am so excited to have her there... there's an additional benefit for me having her there... she is a personal trainer!! So I get to ask her ALL of my questions... FOR FREE!! I enjoy racking her brain for advice... ; ) Not only that though... she makes work fun! I still miss my Heather... but Christine makes the work day a bit easier...
I've been chatting with some people who know me well.. and they brought something to my attention (that I knew.. just didn't really think about). They said that within this year alone.. I have already tried OVER 5 diets. And I thought "yeah, what's wrong with that?"... then they proceeded to tell me that if only I would FOLLOW through with ANY ONE diet.. I would see a change in my body. But I don't. I try it for just a short amount of time, don't see the result that I want... give up... move onto another diet.. and the vicious cycle continues with no benefit to me. Just disappointment over and over again.
Now my hard decision is to figure out WHICH diet I want to stick. I have to try my best for 3 months and I WILL see results.. I just don't know which one I want to do.... that's the hard part... deciding and sticking to it....
Any suggestions??