Juice Fast Round 2 - Done & Over With
Well, my 2nd round of juice fasting didn't last as long as I thought it would. Just a mere 7 days. That's all I could handle this time around.

The 6 days were 95% easy. Just a few minor temptations here and there... but I did good, thank God.

Sunday came around. Now THAT was a hard day. We made a quick stop at a fast food joint after church. My husband and the boys were all sitting in the car enjoying their chicken sandwiches and fries... while I sat there with my juice. Let me tell ya... that was a hard moment.

Then we spent the day at my sisters house. There were people eating random food at random times. I just drank my juice. It was a really tough day for me. But I got through it. Thank God again.

Monday came. I started my water fast. By the time 5 pm rolled around I was SO hungry that I was seriously getting really, really mad. I just wanted to eat. I came home, hid in my bedroom, and cried. I didn't know what else to do. It was like I was almost having an emotional/nervous break down I wanted to eat so bad. After I was done bawling, I came out and had dinner with my family. I ate and it felt SO good!!! 

So there you have it. I didn't last very well, but at least I completed a whole week of juice fasting. That's not bad. I'm kinda considering doing that like once a month or maybe every 2 months or so.

Within the 7 days, I lost 8.2 pounds. That brought me down to 173.2. I gotta lose 5.2 pounds and I will be down to my "finished juice fast" weight.

For now I will continue to try to eat as much raw food as possible and keep trying to lose my weight... or at least try not to gain any.......
Juice Fasting Round 2 - Day 5
My 5th day of juice fasting has come to an end. I am literally blogging on my phone in bed, thus ignore all the mistakes ; )

I have to say, I am really, truly loving this!! I didn't know what to expect from round 2 on the juicing fast, but I was really surprised. I have had no detox or ill effects whatsoever! I expected major headaches from caffiene withdrawal since I had become obsessed with coffee again, but I have had no issues. There was 1 day, I believe it was the morning of my 2nd day, I did have a headache BUT I do not know what caused it. It could have been caffiene withdrawal, or the fact that I was sick with a cold, or maybe I had over heated in the sauna the night before. Never the less, that has been my 1 and only issue so far on round 2. I cannot tell you how happy I am!!

I was hoping round 2 would be easier, but I sure didn't expect it to be THIS easy!! I mean, I am done with 5 days already! I have enjoyed my juices, I feel fabulous, I have lost weight, and 95% of the time, I have not been hungry. AT ALL!!

There have only been a handful of times during the last 5 days that I was tempted (and actually considered eating). But those few times only lasted a few seconds, then I was done drooling over the food, and on with my day : )

Like I said before, I am still not sure how long I want to do this fast for. Deep down, I secretly want to do it for 40-60 days... But if I think about the length, I seriously start freaking out... Lol... So for now, I am taking it 1 day at a time. Seems to be working very well for me at the moment.

I am still trying to figure out where to stick Water Fasting.. Like when I should start & how long to do it for.

This morning I weighed in at 175.4 pounds. Which is 6 pounds down from Monday. I am quite happy with that. I need to lose 20 more pounds & I'll be at my goal! Yay!!

Juice Fasting is AWESOME!! Thank God for making me aware of it!!
Juice Fast Round 2
Well, the New Year has started and I am STILL fat... lol!! So much for reaching my goal & being skinny by the end of 2011...

That didn't happen, and I am ok with it. You know why? (Well, besides that fact that I love my life & and super thankful to God for all His blessings)

The reason I am OK with the fact that I haven't actually reached my 155 pound goal yet is because I know that I can. Yep. Before, I never actually believed that I could reach my goal and be skinny. But ever since learning about Juice Fasting from Valik & Jenni I now actually KNOW and BELIEVE that I can and WILL reach my goal!! And that makes me happy!!

My 1st Juice Fast consisted of 30 days juice fasting & 10 days water fasting for a total of 40 days of cleansing.
Overall I lost 24 pounds, which I was super duper thrilled about!! Since getting off the fasting... I sort of let myself go back to my old habits. I was "testing the waters", but ended up drowning... lol... I totally fell off the wagon and just started eating/drinking all the same old unhealthy stuff that I was trying to get away from.

It has now been 9 weeks since I ended my fast and I have gained back 13.4 pounds. (Gasp).... that's actually a shocker to me... lol.. this whole time, I kept thinking that I only gained 10 pounds back.

Well, obviously that is not the case... let me just confirm that it is MY fault that I gained the weight back. I just totally let go of any "control" over what I was eating or drinking. 

I am happy to report though that I have decided to start another Juice Fast!! Honestly, I am so excited about it!!
At the moment, I do not know how long I will do this fast for. My 1st goal is to lose the 13.4 pounds and be back down to 168. I really enjoyed being at that weight. Stuff actually fit me!! AND I was getting compliments!

Day 1:
I started the juice fast yesterday, which was Monday, January 9, 2012 weighing in at 181.4 pounds.
The 1st day was great. I drank my juice and felt just fine... until I got home... and there was food... THEN I became really hungry.. but I just drank my juice.. Jenni and I sat in a Hot Sauna for about an hour... that felt really nice : ) I was hoping it would help me sweat out some fat... lol

Day 2:
Woke up with a HORRIBLE headache. Took 3 Fever-few & 1 Tylenol...the pain subsided... really enjoyed my Green Lemon Ginger Juice... eventually I gave in and had a cup of green tea rather than another pill... and that really made my head stop hurting.

I came home and had Green Lemonade (minus the Romaine Lettuce)... and just chilled.

I don't know if its too early too tell, but I think round 2 of the Juice Fast might be easier to handle than the 1st one! 

Yay for Juicing!!

P.S. Day 1 I weighed in at 181.4. Morning of Day 2 I weighed in at 179.4 WooHoo!!
  • About Me

    My photo
    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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