Last Post of 2011
Well, 2011 is coming to an end. It has been a wonderful year. Filled with lots of fun, blessings, lessons, and love. I have really enjoyed it and am very thankful to God for all He has done for and given me. 

As most of my readers know, my family usually all gets together at a hotel to celebrate the New Year. My goal this year (and every year) was to reach my all time wannabe weight of 155. Since Valik & Jenni introduced me to the Juicing Cleanse/Fast this year, I actually thought my dream weight was reachable. 

I'll spare you all the details. For those of you who have been reading my blog, you know all the ups & downs I have gone through. 

But I'm going to summarize my weight for 2011

The most I weighed this year was 197.4 on June 27th.

On September 22nd I started Juicing Cleansing at 192.0 pounds

27 days into my Juice Cleansing, weighing 177.4, I started a 10 day water fast. 
I ended the 10 day water fast weighing 163.8
I actually ended up gaining a few pounds when I added juice back in, and when I finished my 40 day total Juice/Water Cleanse, I weighed 168.0 on November 1st.

I was really thrilled with my results and thought for sure this would be the 1st New Years that I would really enjoy being at the hotel because I would feel good in a swim suit.

Well, I did not do so well with all the holidays. Actually, I pretty much sucked. I totally did not control myself. No idea why, but I just went all into the binging. Trust me, I didn't enjoy it. It made me feel sick and fat. I was (and am) disappointed with myself for letting myself go after doing such an amazing thing such as then 40 day Juice Cleanse.

Well, New Years is here once again. I do still fit way better into my swim suit than I ever have before... but I still wear a tank top on top of it, and cover up as soon as I'm out of the water. I can't just relax and enjoy myself. I am still very self conscience. 

Despite not reaching my weight goal, I am still having a wonderful time on this little get away of ours. 

So my final weigh in for 2011 is
(which means I gained 10.2 pounds since I stopped juicing)

I am 19.2 pounds lighter than my "most" weight of the year, but I am still 23.2 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight. 

Come January, I am really wanting to do another Juice Cleanse.... but we'll see how that works out...

Hope you had a great 2011, but I hope you have an EVEN GREATER 2012! God's Blessings!!
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  • About Me

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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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