Well, my 2nd round of juice fasting didn't last as long as I thought it would. Just a mere 7 days. That's all I could handle this time around.
The 6 days were 95% easy. Just a few minor temptations here and there... but I did good, thank God.
Sunday came around. Now THAT was a hard day. We made a quick stop at a fast food joint after church. My husband and the boys were all sitting in the car enjoying their chicken sandwiches and fries... while I sat there with my juice. Let me tell ya... that was a hard moment.
Then we spent the day at my sisters house. There were people eating random food at random times. I just drank my juice. It was a really tough day for me. But I got through it. Thank God again.
Monday came. I started my water fast. By the time 5 pm rolled around I was SO hungry that I was seriously getting really, really mad. I just wanted to eat. I came home, hid in my bedroom, and cried. I didn't know what else to do. It was like I was almost having an emotional/nervous break down I wanted to eat so bad. After I was done bawling, I came out and had dinner with my family. I ate and it felt SO good!!!
So there you have it. I didn't last very well, but at least I completed a whole week of juice fasting. That's not bad. I'm kinda considering doing that like once a month or maybe every 2 months or so.
Within the 7 days, I lost 8.2 pounds. That brought me down to 173.2. I gotta lose 5.2 pounds and I will be down to my "finished juice fast" weight.
For now I will continue to try to eat as much raw food as possible and keep trying to lose my weight... or at least try not to gain any.......
My 5th day of juice fasting has come to an end. I am literally blogging on my phone in bed, thus ignore all the mistakes ; )
I have to say, I am really, truly loving this!! I didn't know what to expect from round 2 on the juicing fast, but I was really surprised. I have had no detox or ill effects whatsoever! I expected major headaches from caffiene withdrawal since I had become obsessed with coffee again, but I have had no issues. There was 1 day, I believe it was the morning of my 2nd day, I did have a headache BUT I do not know what caused it. It could have been caffiene withdrawal, or the fact that I was sick with a cold, or maybe I had over heated in the sauna the night before. Never the less, that has been my 1 and only issue so far on round 2. I cannot tell you how happy I am!!
I was hoping round 2 would be easier, but I sure didn't expect it to be THIS easy!! I mean, I am done with 5 days already! I have enjoyed my juices, I feel fabulous, I have lost weight, and 95% of the time, I have not been hungry. AT ALL!!
There have only been a handful of times during the last 5 days that I was tempted (and actually considered eating). But those few times only lasted a few seconds, then I was done drooling over the food, and on with my day : )
Like I said before, I am still not sure how long I want to do this fast for. Deep down, I secretly want to do it for 40-60 days... But if I think about the length, I seriously start freaking out... Lol... So for now, I am taking it 1 day at a time. Seems to be working very well for me at the moment.
I am still trying to figure out where to stick Water Fasting.. Like when I should start & how long to do it for.
This morning I weighed in at 175.4 pounds. Which is 6 pounds down from Monday. I am quite happy with that. I need to lose 20 more pounds & I'll be at my goal! Yay!!
Juice Fasting is AWESOME!! Thank God for making me aware of it!!
I have to say, I am really, truly loving this!! I didn't know what to expect from round 2 on the juicing fast, but I was really surprised. I have had no detox or ill effects whatsoever! I expected major headaches from caffiene withdrawal since I had become obsessed with coffee again, but I have had no issues. There was 1 day, I believe it was the morning of my 2nd day, I did have a headache BUT I do not know what caused it. It could have been caffiene withdrawal, or the fact that I was sick with a cold, or maybe I had over heated in the sauna the night before. Never the less, that has been my 1 and only issue so far on round 2. I cannot tell you how happy I am!!
I was hoping round 2 would be easier, but I sure didn't expect it to be THIS easy!! I mean, I am done with 5 days already! I have enjoyed my juices, I feel fabulous, I have lost weight, and 95% of the time, I have not been hungry. AT ALL!!
There have only been a handful of times during the last 5 days that I was tempted (and actually considered eating). But those few times only lasted a few seconds, then I was done drooling over the food, and on with my day : )
Like I said before, I am still not sure how long I want to do this fast for. Deep down, I secretly want to do it for 40-60 days... But if I think about the length, I seriously start freaking out... Lol... So for now, I am taking it 1 day at a time. Seems to be working very well for me at the moment.
I am still trying to figure out where to stick Water Fasting.. Like when I should start & how long to do it for.
This morning I weighed in at 175.4 pounds. Which is 6 pounds down from Monday. I am quite happy with that. I need to lose 20 more pounds & I'll be at my goal! Yay!!
Juice Fasting is AWESOME!! Thank God for making me aware of it!!
Well, the New Year has started and I am STILL fat... lol!! So much for reaching my goal & being skinny by the end of 2011...
That didn't happen, and I am ok with it. You know why? (Well, besides that fact that I love my life & and super thankful to God for all His blessings)
The reason I am OK with the fact that I haven't actually reached my 155 pound goal yet is because I know that I can. Yep. Before, I never actually believed that I could reach my goal and be skinny. But ever since learning about Juice Fasting from Valik & Jenni I now actually KNOW and BELIEVE that I can and WILL reach my goal!! And that makes me happy!!
My 1st Juice Fast consisted of 30 days juice fasting & 10 days water fasting for a total of 40 days of cleansing.
Overall I lost 24 pounds, which I was super duper thrilled about!! Since getting off the fasting... I sort of let myself go back to my old habits. I was "testing the waters", but ended up drowning... lol... I totally fell off the wagon and just started eating/drinking all the same old unhealthy stuff that I was trying to get away from.
It has now been 9 weeks since I ended my fast and I have gained back 13.4 pounds. (Gasp).... that's actually a shocker to me... lol.. this whole time, I kept thinking that I only gained 10 pounds back.
Well, obviously that is not the case... let me just confirm that it is MY fault that I gained the weight back. I just totally let go of any "control" over what I was eating or drinking.
I am happy to report though that I have decided to start another Juice Fast!! Honestly, I am so excited about it!!
At the moment, I do not know how long I will do this fast for. My 1st goal is to lose the 13.4 pounds and be back down to 168. I really enjoyed being at that weight. Stuff actually fit me!! AND I was getting compliments!
Day 1:
I started the juice fast yesterday, which was Monday, January 9, 2012 weighing in at 181.4 pounds.
The 1st day was great. I drank my juice and felt just fine... until I got home... and there was food... THEN I became really hungry.. but I just drank my juice.. Jenni and I sat in a Hot Sauna for about an hour... that felt really nice : ) I was hoping it would help me sweat out some fat... lol
Day 2:
Woke up with a HORRIBLE headache. Took 3 Fever-few & 1 Tylenol...the pain subsided... really enjoyed my Green Lemon Ginger Juice... eventually I gave in and had a cup of green tea rather than another pill... and that really made my head stop hurting.
I came home and had Green Lemonade (minus the Romaine Lettuce)... and just chilled.
I don't know if its too early too tell, but I think round 2 of the Juice Fast might be easier to handle than the 1st one!
Yay for Juicing!!
P.S. Day 1 I weighed in at 181.4. Morning of Day 2 I weighed in at 179.4 WooHoo!!
Well, 2011 is coming to an end. It has been a wonderful year. Filled with lots of fun, blessings, lessons, and love. I have really enjoyed it and am very thankful to God for all He has done for and given me.
As most of my readers know, my family usually all gets together at a hotel to celebrate the New Year. My goal this year (and every year) was to reach my all time wannabe weight of 155. Since Valik & Jenni introduced me to the Juicing Cleanse/Fast this year, I actually thought my dream weight was reachable.
I'll spare you all the details. For those of you who have been reading my blog, you know all the ups & downs I have gone through.
But I'm going to summarize my weight for 2011
The most I weighed this year was 197.4 on June 27th.
On September 22nd I started Juicing Cleansing at 192.0 pounds
27 days into my Juice Cleansing, weighing 177.4, I started a 10 day water fast.
I ended the 10 day water fast weighing 163.8
I actually ended up gaining a few pounds when I added juice back in, and when I finished my 40 day total Juice/Water Cleanse, I weighed 168.0 on November 1st.
I was really thrilled with my results and thought for sure this would be the 1st New Years that I would really enjoy being at the hotel because I would feel good in a swim suit.
Well, I did not do so well with all the holidays. Actually, I pretty much sucked. I totally did not control myself. No idea why, but I just went all into the binging. Trust me, I didn't enjoy it. It made me feel sick and fat. I was (and am) disappointed with myself for letting myself go after doing such an amazing thing such as then 40 day Juice Cleanse.
Well, New Years is here once again. I do still fit way better into my swim suit than I ever have before... but I still wear a tank top on top of it, and cover up as soon as I'm out of the water. I can't just relax and enjoy myself. I am still very self conscience.
Despite not reaching my weight goal, I am still having a wonderful time on this little get away of ours.
So my final weigh in for 2011 is
(which means I gained 10.2 pounds since I stopped juicing)
I am 19.2 pounds lighter than my "most" weight of the year, but I am still 23.2 pounds away from my ultimate goal weight.
Come January, I am really wanting to do another Juice Cleanse.... but we'll see how that works out...
Hope you had a great 2011, but I hope you have an EVEN GREATER 2012! God's Blessings!!
Comment posted by: Anonymous
On: December 2, 2011 2:42 AM
It takes a lot of courage to publicly admit failure. Understandably, you are upset, but you shouldn't kick yourself, or feel ashamed. It's not your fault. Dieting is like holding your breath, it's not sustainable. There was no way you could keep it up.
While I enjoyed reading your blog, there is a lot of negativity and self-hate. :( You must learn to feel good about yourself.
Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed reading my blog. I do admit to having negativity towards myself, but only when it comes to my weight. I have tried, and keep trying to feel good about myself, but its not so easy for me just yet...
For many people, their stable weight is higher than what the TV would have you believe is "normal". It's programmed in your DNA, and the harder you try to deviate from it, the harder you will bounce back. I'm heavier than average - and so is my mom, several of my siblings, and many cousins. We can be healthy, but we cannot naturally be skinny - our genetic blueprints won't allow it.
I do understand what you are saying... but I have been skinnier before, thus I have faith that I should be able to get there again... I just need to get my head straight and quit quitting... I'm not trying to be super model thin, just pleasantly thin...
You seem to desperately want to lose weight. Why? Are you doing it for your husband, Jenni, the bathroom scale?
I am desperate to lose weight, and I don't hide the fact. Why? Because I do not like the extra fat that I am carrying. I do not like having to stand in front of my closet every morning thinking "What clings less to me? What shows the least amount of bulge & rolls? What can I use as a "fat cover"? What pants will not give me a muffin top?
I am doing this for me. I want to be happy with myself. I want to look in the mirror & like what I see. I want to be able to wear anything I want and look and feel great in it. I want to feel comfortable around people, to be myself, and not have to be self conscious the whole time, wondering what needs to be adjusted where to hide the most fat.
The bathroom scale can't tell the difference between muscle, bone, or fat. It can't tell whether you're fit or not. It doesn't know that you're a beautiful person.
Your husband sounds like a good man. Does he ever complain about your weight? My guess is, he doesn't. I'll tell you a secret: big women can be sexy. Their curves can drive their husbands mad with desire. It's not about the weight, it's all about proper distribution (ask your hubby if he thinks your breasts are too big). Do a little exercise to maintain the waistline and keep the arms and thighs firm. By the way, the best form of exercise is lovemaking: you get a cardio workout while having lots of fun with your husband! ;o)
My husband is an amazing man! I am absolutely blessed and thankful to have him! No, he doesn't complain about my weight. He just listens to me complain about it & then tries to make me believe that it's not that big of an issue. To me, it is.
One thing that does turn men off, is when the woman deprecates herself. Don't ever call yourself fat, or lazy, or weak. Especially not in front of him. Positive thinking goes a long way. Look at yourself in the mirror, the whole of you (your husband sees you this way, he doesn't fixate on the parts like women tend to do). Marvel at how wonderfully God made you.
I know God made me. And I know He made me wonderfully and I am very thankful for the way He made me. BUT I made myself fat. I chose to stuff my face with junk non stop. God did make me wonderfully, but I seem to have "ruined" His design and now I am trying to fix it...
The way to live a healthy lifestyle, is to make small changes, and enjoy the process. Eat food that is both delicious and good for you. Go to bed early. Try different activities to find the ones that work for you, and to keep things from getting boring. Tennis, swimming, running, walking, hiking, biking, skiing, martial arts. You get the idea.
Be happy, my sister. :)
I don't hate myself. Nor do I hate life. I really do enjoy my life, I just think that if I were able to lose these last 20 pounds, I would be able to enjoy my life much more. I would be healthier & happier... I will not stop trying...