Juice Cleanse Day 23
This is how I feel right now:

I don't even want to blog at this moment, but I don't want to keep putting it off either...so here I go...

I have concluded my crazy 11 hour a day work schedule. Done. Finished. Now back to my regular job/time. Within the last 10 days, I worked 105 hours. That's 25 hours  OVERTIME!! No wonder I didn't feel like doing anything except laying on the couch when I got home. Eew. Thank God it went ok for the most part and now its over.

I wasn't thrilled with the scale this morning, but for some reason, it didn't bother me too much. I actually don't remember exactly what it said, but it was either 178.6 or 178.8. Just a 2 ounce difference, so no biggie. Anyway. I am not understanding why the annoying scale doesn't want to budge. Its so frustrating. I mean I am NOT eating anything. How can my body do this to me? I am drinking my full 64 ounces of juice AND 64 ounces of water. What is wrong with my body?? I thought by now I'd be down around 23 pounds!! I really was hoping to lose a pound a day on this cleanse, but it looks like right now I am averaging 1/2 a pound a day. Well,  I gotta say, losing 1/2 a pound a day is definitely a lot better than not losing any weight or even worse, gaining.... so I'm ok with it.

I'm done whining now for the most part. On to the good news!!
I have been getting bombarded with compliments left and right!! It's almost like I have my own personal cheerleaders. At work there is one particular girl who screams her head off whenever she sees me. And its always nice things like how hot or beautiful I look... but it makes me feel quite uncomfortable. 1st of all, I have never considered myself hot nor beautiful... but this girl really does scream it for everyone to hear... um... I don't like that... but the thought is sweet.

I didn't tell many people at work that I am doing this cleanse. Yesterday I was at the copy machine and a lady from the office walked in. She stopped and did a double take and said "You've lost weight"... then we proceed to converse a little and she said the the weight loss is definitely visible and just cannot be missed....

A few minutes later and ex co worker walked in. He just kinda looked me and said "don't take this the wrong way, but you look smaller." I was flattered....

My sisters know this about me, but I will share it with the rest of you. Probably 75% of my closet is small clothes. I don't know why, but I have way more clothes that is too small for me rather than clothes that fit me. Wishful thinking I guess. I seem to buy "for when I WILL lose the weight". Well, up until this point, it has just been hanging there. I have a few pairs of pants that fit me this way

Lol.... gross, I know.. this picture is not of me, but you get the idea... Anyway, yesterday morning, I was able to put on a pair of pants that I used to not be able to buckle and they buckled way too easily. I wore them all day at work, and fell quite good with myself.

This morning, I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I really liked but have not been able to wear for a LONG time... I hesitantly put them on, and they fit PERFECTLY!! I was super thrilled!!

I felt really "cute" at work today and it made me very happy... I took some "self portraits" in the bathroom during break... So this is how I look 23 days into this cleanse, 13 pounds lighter.

Don't correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I look quite good.. lol... I am really enjoying all the compliments and the way I am looking and feeling... but this no eating thing is getting quite old real fast. I just want some food already!! OMG!! I almost forgot!! My boys were having dinner. I was starving. I came up and was smelling Daniel's food.... then I picked up a small piece of chicken and licked it. Then, before I knew it, the chicken was IN my mouth!! Yes, inside my mouth!! Oh... I sucked that thing, then chewed  a little... then spit it out. But WOW!! That tasted SO GOOD!!!! 

I am worried about this weekend. Not worried that I will eat, but worried that I will feel like crap and want to do this 

WHILE everyone is eating. We have my nephews 1st birthday to attend tomorrow evening and my sister is promising a delicious dinner. Which of course I cannot have. THEN Sunday we are going to my mother in law's for lunch after church. She always cooks up an amazing feast. Which I will not be able to have. Ugh. I am dreading just sitting there smelling all the yumminess and not being able to enjoy it.

Lol... 2 things that I keep picturing in my head. The yummy, delicious, juicy steak that I will eat as soon as I can after I finish this cleanse and how good I want to look in a swimming suit 
Well, I am done whining for tonight. Praying that we have a wonderful weekend and that I will not have too hard of a time dealing with the not eating part of this cleanse.. oh wait.. that's the WHOLE part of this cleanse besides having to chug unwanted juices... bleh...

off to bed now...

3 Responses
  1. Anna Says:

    I must say. I am liking these cute faces I put on here. Gives the blog some color ; )

  2. Jenni Says:

    I like the faces too. They're so cute :o)

    I forgot to tell you... Most people on this fast lose 1/2 pound a day. So your very normal ;o)

    I know it's hard when people all around you are eating. I'm in the same boat ;o) But this teaches you the character of "self control" and "patience", and as a bonus you get to lose some weight ;o)

    Just keep at it. Take it one meal at a time. One party at a time. You can do this.
    Remember... Bathing suit... New Year... Bathing suit... New Year ;o)

    I'll be ther to help you at the birthday party, but you'll need to practice all on your own at your mother in-laws. I know you can do it!

  3. Anna Says:

    Thanks Jenni!! Knowing that its normal to only lose 1/2 a pound a day is actually quite soothing... helps ; )

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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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