My Latest Weigh In
Did mention that since this last Monday (May 24) I have finally been trying to stay within my points range?? I now have the "equipment" that I need to be able to do that, so the weight watchers plan has become a lot easier to stick to.  

I am VERY HAPPY to announce, that on Thursday (May 27) I weighed in at

You cannot possibly know how excited I was to see those numbers!! I was totally shocked!! That means I lost 1.8 (that's 1 and 1/2) pounds since my last weight in!! 

Since I started the Weight Watchers program (May 1st) almost a month ago , I have lost a total of 4.6 pounds! I know that does NOT seem like a lot, but to me, that is HUGE!! (And if you recall, I slacked for about 2 or 3 weeks out of the month due to that fact that I did not have easy access to the "equipment" (such as the books & calculator) that I needed)

The numbers on the scale have either stayed the same or gone up when I have weighed myself in the last few years, so to finally see them go down, it is totally amazing to me!

I have several people who have done (or are still doing the weight watchers program) that have been TONS of help to me! They are an inspiration, and have been there for me every step of the way thus far.. answering all my questions (and trust me, there's been LOTS of those), giving advice, letting me borrow all the necessary material. Its been such a blessing! Thank you gals SO much!
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  • About Me

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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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