My Latest Weigh In
I haven't had the time nor the energy to update lately... (and really, I have been very disappointed in myself and I didn't want to share it with the world). But today, I decided to finally share.

I am not sure what has happened, but over the last few weeks, I have just let myself "go". I have not tried to diet at all.. well.. every once in a while, I'll "be careful"... but not really.. so every Thursday, the scale would go up.. up.. up..

Well.. today I got on and the scale read 185.0 I was shocked!! But I wasn't too surprised cause really, deep down, I knew it was coming. My clothes have been fitting me worse and worse.. I can't even wear some outfits anymore cause they just don't fit. It's horrible!

I have gained back 7 pounds now. That is so much! It takes me so long to lose that and now its just back. I think I might cry. But that won't do me any good.

I have trying to figure out "what will work for me"... and I'm still working on it. The new month starts in just a few days, so I am hoping to start my new lifestyle right around then.

Please give me any ideas. How did you lose weight? What worked for you? What would you recommend for me??
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  • About Me

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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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