I don't like these latest updates...
Have you noticed I haven't been updating lately as often?? Well... there is a pattern I have. The more I lose, the more I update... the more I gain, the LESS I update.

So the last few months, I have just been gaining. It totally sucks. I'll do really good ONE day, lose like 2 pounds.. the next day I totally binge and GAIN 3 pounds... I hate this roller coaster that I'm on... I can't seem to find an exit though.

I weighed in again on Thursday... up to 186.0 already. UGH!!! I don't think I could scream loud enough!! I know it's only MY fault. I can't blame anyone or anything for this. I just do not have the disciple I need to control myself from eating everything in site. 

UGH!!! I don't even know what to write on here.. as of this last weigh in of mine, I am only 8 pounds away from my "start dieting" weight. At the rate that I'm going, I can totally see myself gaining these last 8 pounds in like a week.

But I don't want that. I want to start LOSING weight again... Need to go to at least 145....... maybe even 135 if possible.... That's like at least 40 pounds I have to lose!!!

I'm officially freaking out. 
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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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