Latest Weigh In
I am SO thrilled!! I have been having a hard time getting my scale to go down… but it finally did!! My most recent goal was to lose 1 pound. I wanted to go from 190.2 to 189.2. Last Thursday, February 3rd, I weighed in at 188.8. I know it’s still a huge number, but its less than I was hoping for!! I am really pleased! Not only did I reach my goal of losing 1 pound, but I surpassed it by a whole 4 ounces!! I lost 1.4 pounds for last week!! Yeah!!

My next goal is to lose another pound. I want to weigh in tomorrow morning at 187.8 or LESS!! I am really hopeful … but I think I’m having some doubts. I snuck in a “weigh in” here & there throughout the week, and have been disappointed with what I was seeing on the scale. I’m not holding my breath, but am really eager for the scale to move in the downward direction again.

I do have to admit that this week has not been one of my best dieting weeks. We have been going out quite a lot, and I really have not been listening to my body. This is unpleasant to admit, but I’ve been eating when I am absolutely NOT hungry. The foods there, the company is there, why not? I don’t even enjoy the food, but just cause its there, I’ve been eating it. Eeww. I know. I really need to work on that. If only I would listen to my body, trust it, and only feed it when it really needed it, I could be super skinny.

Oh well. I’m not letting myself get too disappointed. I know I messed up; no point in focusing on it too much. Time to learn from my mistake & move on.

Tomorrow is my next weigh in. Hopefully I’ll reach my goal and I won’t put off posting about it. I’ll let you know how it goes.
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    Spokane, WA, United States
    I am blessed to be a wife to a wonderful man and a mom to 3 amazing boys!! God has blessed me and I am forever grateful! My 1 struggle in life has been my weight... its a hard burden to carry.


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